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Technical Writing class is kicking my butt right now. I’ve had writing classes that were challenging but this one takes the cake. I’ve been in school a month now and before all this I thought this class was going to be okay.

But I knew my perception was a tad off when the first thing my professor said to us was quote, “This will be the most difficult writing you will have in your undergraduate lives,” unquote.

Now, what technical writing is…is a style of writing used in fields as diverse as computer hardware and software, engineering, chemistry, the aerospace industry, robotics, finance, consumer electronics, and biotechnology…at least according to Wikipedia. I personally call it something don’t feel comfortable saying let alone writing.  It’s learning to write all important documents you need to know such as tedious twenty page reports for your boss who will only read the first two pages , the little incomprehensible instruction packets you get with your furniture…all that fun stuff.


I know it’s going to benefit me in the long run but right now as I flip though my text-book that’s so dry it makes saltines look moist…I’m not seeing the good side.

Thanks for listening to my rant! 🙂

February 2012

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