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Blessed Be Everyone!

*drum roll….* Here is the special thing I promised you guys!

Beloved October is coming to a close very soon and November aka National Novel Writing Month aka NaNoWriMo aka ‘A Month of Hell and Caffeine’ is right around the corner (*arms in the air*Yay!). Plus! This is a very special year indeed, because we also have the presidential vote coming up (*weak* yay…).

Am I the only person sick and tired of all the political negativity being blasted after every other commercial on the T.V. and radio, not to mention the internet? Seriously! I’ve seen less slop thrown at a pig farm than what these politicians are doing to each other. So to lighten up the mood…we’re going to have our own voting session!

I’ve been struggling to pick out a story manuscript for NaNoWriMo, so I thought I’d let you the people pick it for me. I like making up mock-book covers to help inspire me through my writing “effort” and I’ve Photoshopped four, count them FOUR covers for FOUR different stories. Read the blurbs underneath each one and then cast your vote as many times as you want on the one you would want to read the most and the one with the most votes by November 1st, I’ll attempt to complete.

This is Writing A Silver Broomstick and I approve this message…

Build-A-Babe: A Monster Love Story

F.J. is dying to go to the prom, but every girl at R.I.P High tells him to drop dead. He manages to dig up a date eventually…at the local cemetery. With the help of his ghoul friends, a perverted zombie who can’t keep his limbs to himself and geeky scientist madder in more ways than one, he manages to create the perfect girl. Will this be love at first fright or a prom date from hell?

Forever Young

Sarah Shepherd is seventeen years old, yet she’s more of an adult than her parents are. While they go through a messy divorce and custody battle, Sarah is forced to be the mother to her younger brother while all she wants to do is go out act her age. When she sees David and his gang causing mayhem at the local carnival, she feels that he’s the one who can give her what she wants. But David has different ideas, ideas involving blood, death, and rock and roll.

You Shine

Seo Sun-Hi or Sunny to her friends was born in South Korean in the fishing village of Pohang. While still an infant they moved to the U.S. where Sunny became a typical All-American high school nerd who has a panic attack every time a boy even come near her. Her parents tell her she has to get over her shyness because…they arrange for her to get married! To a K-Pop idol! She can’t get married at seventeen to a complete stranger, so she and her best friend devise a plan to break the entire thing off. Lucky her, her soon-to-be husband has the same idea…

Greeting From Planet Earth…Now Get Me Out of Here!

Jane Smith isn’t your average freshman. She can do Quantum physics in her sleep, she’s never heard of the Cee-vil War and she thinks her neighbor’s cat is trying to eat her. That because ‘Jane Smith’ is not just a transfer student, she’s a transfer student from another world! After ‘Jane’ and her crew make an emergency bathroom landing on Earth, their spaceship is locked down by the Home Planet for entering a recognized hostile zone. In order to return home, Jane and her crew must document modern human life as a human family for one Earth year or else… One thing Jane sure learns is that no matter what planet you’re one, high school drama is universal.

April 2024

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